Études de cas
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Libero nunc consequat interdum varius. Scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant. Maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat. Phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec. Ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut. Congue nisi vitae suscipit tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed. Duis convallis convallis tellus id. Montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies. Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt. Quam nulla porttitor massa id neque aliquam. Purus sit amet luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla.
Tower Relocation
High Altitude Intervention
Design Adaptation
Extreme Weather At High Altitude
Tower Relocation
Alberta, Canada
A Canadian electrical power utility company in Alberta had a problem along its 240kV, double circuit, 2 bundle 477MCM ACSR/SD Hawk transmission line. Two towers that were situated on opposite sides of a steep coulee were at risk of collapsing because erosion of the sides of the coulee was beginning to encroach upon the foundations of the towers. These two 45m towers, spanning 569m, had to be relocated to solid ground away from the edges of the coulee. The challenge facing the Utility was how to move these towers without interrupting service. A service interruption would not only be disruptive to subscribers, it would also result in loss of revenue as well as potential penalties. The use of special equipment to hold the conductors would be a very costly alternative and the difficult terrain in the area, together with the prevailing high wind conditions, would make this option very difficult.
After considered evaluation, the Utility decided to use temporary towers to support the live lines while the tower relocation work was being carried out. After a comparative study of the temporary towers available on the market, the Utility decided to acquire Tower Solutions’ towers. These towers were the strongest available, and had a broad range of features making them safer and easier to use as well.
First, two 45m temporary towers were installed alongside each of the two main towers. The live power lines were transferred to these temporary towers, without disrupting service to subscribers. Then the main towers were dismantled and relocated to their new foundations. Two work crews, each consisting of four line workers and a boom truck, installed the four temporary towers in less than two days. Once the base was installed, a column length of 11 sections was assembled in the horizontal position. Guywires and insulator attachments were then installed at predetermined locations on the tower before it was raised. The tower was then raised to the vertical position using a boom truck. The guywires were attached to anchors that had been put in place by the crew. Weeks later, when the main towers were ready on their new foundations, the four temporary towers were removed and placed back into storage. Dismantling of these four towers took only 90 minutes!
One of the challenges facing the crew was the difficult topography in the area. This made it necessary for one of the temporary towers to be anchored at a distance of only 15m from its base, which resulted in an unusually steep guywire angle of 750. Moreover, the area was blasted with unusually high winds of 110 km/hr for extended periods. But despite these extreme conditions, the towers held firm, performing flawlessly. The project was completed on schedule and no one had to tolerate a power disruption.
The Utility was very pleased with the performance of these temporary towers and the cost savings that was generated. In fact, the cost savings generated by the towers exceeded the cost of the towers themselves. This means that the towers were acquired at no cost.
Tower Solutions is proud that its towers were part of this challenging project.
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High Altitude Intervention
Calabria, Italy
Intervento in quota in Calabria Il 20 febbraio alle ore 18.00 è stata rialimentata la Cabina Primaria di Girifalco (CZ) che lo scorso 7 febbraio, a seguito delle nevicate particolarmente violente che hanno interessato anche quest’area della Calabria, era rimasta disalimentata a causa della caduta di n. 2 sostegni, contigui e posti sul collegamento in Entra/Esce della cabina primaria stessa. Al fine di ridurre i tempi per la ripresa del servizio nonché gli elevati oneri economici – dovuti ai costi di mitigazione da riconoscere a ENEL per la contro alimentazione in MT delle utenze – si è reso necessario realizzare un collegamento d’emergenza con utilizzo di torri provvisorie. Questo collegamento, lungo circa 1,5 km, è stato realizzato mediante la collocazione in sito di ben 3 torri e ha richiesto l’impiego di circa 25 colleghi, tra tecnici e operativi, prevalentemente personale del Gruppo Operativo Linee di Feroleto ma non solo, visto il coinvolgimento anche di Colleghi di altri GOL nonché di UPRI e ULIN di AOT Napoli. Tra le tante difficoltà che si è reso necessario affrontare e superare al fine di attivare la connessione, sono da segnalare le importanti variazioni altimetriche esistenti lungo il percorso interessato dalla variante nonché le avverse condizioni meteo che, per giorni, hanno reso molto difficile operare nell’area oggetto dell’intervento mettendo a dura prova il nostro personale, come mostra l’immagine di seguito. Un grazie ai colleghi perl’incredibile lavoro svolto.
Operation at high altitude in Calabria – Italy On February 7th, the primary substation of Girifalco (CZ) in the region of Calabria, Italy was shut down due to the collapse of 2 adjacent towers that was caused by heavy snowfall and particularly fierce weather. After a highly effective restoration effort using temporary towers, power was restored on February 20th at 6:00 p.m. The high financial costs (to be paid to ENEL) and the necessity to minimize down time meant that power had to be restored as quickly as possible. But the rough weather and difficult ground conditions presented a significant challenge. The utility decided that the best way to tackle the problem was to establish a working power line using temporary towers. A link, about 1.5 km long, was created using 3 temporary towers. This operation required the efforts of about 25 workers, including technical and operational staff. The team was formed by linesmen and technician from Group Operating Lines Feroleto, UPRI and ULIN of AOT Naples. Among the many difficulties facing the work crew, which needed to be overcome in order to enable the power flow, was the extreme variations in height along the route affected by the bypass and the adverse weather conditions that made it very difficult to operate in the area, sometime for days on end. The dedicated efforts of the work crew managed to overcome these challenges using their skill, determination and a few useful tools. Thanks to our colleagues for the amazing work.
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Design Adaptation
Novara, Italy
Dopo le emergenze meteo, un nuovo utilizzo in AOT Torino.
Una variante alla linea a 132 kV T 801 Mercallo (VA) – Cameri (NO), richiesta da ANAS, il gestore della rete stradale e autostradale italiana e prontamente realizzata dai colleghi dell’AOT Torino con la versatilità delle torri provvisorie, che in questo caso hanno permesso di ricostruire un sostegno su se stesso praticamente senza necessità di fuori servizio.
La variante è nata dall’esigenza di rendere compatibile il tracciato della linea elettrica con la nuova viabilità che proprio ANAS aveva progettato sulla Strada Statale n° 32 “Ticinese”.
A seguito dell’approvazione del progetto di variante stradale nel comune di Bellinzago Novarese, ANAS ha richiesto a Terna la progettazione di una variante aerea della linea T. 801 per adeguarla alle nuove opere.
Il progetto di variante, autorizzato dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico lo scorso 8 novembre con decreto 192/156/2011 prevedeva tra l’altro la ricostruzione del sostegno n° 116 su se stesso: un suo spostamento non risultava, infatti, possibile a causa degli insediamenti produttivi situati nelle vicinanze. La linea nell’area dei lavori transita prevalentemente in risaie e in queste aree i lavori si possono effettuare solamente nei periodi invernali quando non solo allagate. Purtroppo, vista la configurazione della rete, i periodi invernali sono anche quelli con maggiore difficoltà di fuori servizio elettrico della linea che per la ricostruzione del sostegno n° 116 su se stesso richiedeva una durata presunta di circa 28 giorni.
Si è quindi pensato di installare, a valle di un breve fuori servizio della linea, una torre provvisoria in adiacenza al sostegno da demolire in modo tale da poter garantire il servizio elettrico durante i lavori di ricostruzione del sostegno n° 116.
Questo intervento ha permesso di ridurre la durata totale dei fuori servizio elettrico a meno di dieci giorni.
Il progetto della torre provvisoria è stato realizzato in collaborazione tra UPRI Torino e GOL Torino. La messa in opera della torre provvisoria è stata realizzata dal personale del GOL di Novara. Un utilizzo diverso delle torri provvisorie, più spesso utilizzate in caso di danneggiamenti a tralicci per cause meteorologiche, che accresce la nostra capacità di gestire la rete in sicurezza.
Following adverse weather emergency, a new use of temporary towers by AOT Turin.
A request for modification to the 132 kV T 801 Mercallo (VA) line to Cameri (NO), was made by ANAS, the Manager of the Italian Highway and road network and was immediately implemented by the AOT Turin colleagues. This project was made possible through the versatility and adaptability of temporary towers. These temporary towers made it possible to reconstruct the line with virtually no need for down time.
The modification was needed to make sure that the electrical line route was compatible to the new highway route changes that ANAS had planned on the national road n° 32 “Ticinese”. Following approval of the project variation which took place in the municipality of Bellinzago Novarese, ANAS requested Terna to adjust the path of the power line T.801 to the new highway route.
The approved project, authorized by the Ministry of Economic Development on November 8th, 2011, with eviction order 192/156/2011 planned, among other things, the reconstruction of support No. 116 on the same footing. Relocation was not possible due to existing manufacturing facilities that were located nearby. The line also passes through rice fields where work could be undertaken only in winter when the rice fields were not flooded for irrigation. Unfortunately, given the network configuration, the winter months were the most difficult to work in for down time, as the reconstruction of No. 116 required 28 days without power.
It was therefore decided to install, close to the reconstruction location, a temporary bypass by erecting a temporary tower adjacent to the tower to be demolished, so as to ensure continuous electrical service during reconstruction of Tower No. 116. This strategy allowed downtime to be reduced from 28 to 10 days.
The temporary tower project was realized in collaboration between UPRI Turin and GOL Turin. The erection of the temporary tower was carried out by the staff of the GOL Novara.
La possibilité d’utiliser de manière diversifiée la tour temporaire polyvalente, qui est destinée pour des situations d’urgence générées par des conditions météorologiques défavorables et est généralement réalisée dans ce genre de situations, prouve sa fonctionnalité, renforçant notre capacité à gérer notre réseau en toute sécurité.
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Extreme Weather At High Altitude
Sicily, Italy
A seguito di un guasto che si è verificato lo scorso 22 febbraio sulla linea 150kV Bronte-Ucria, i colleghi dell’AOT di Palermo hanno rimesso in servizio l’elettrodotto dopo avere installato una torre provvisoria.
Il guasto è stato causato da condizioni climatiche di eccezionale violenza soprattutto per la Sicilia; una intensa nevicata accompagnata da vento che soffiava a più di cento chilometri l’ora, ha letteralmente tranciato in due uno dei tralicci della linea che attraversa i monti Nebrodi a 1.600 metri di altezza.
Le condizioni climatiche avverse, a quella quota, sono durate per diverse settimane impedendo ogni operazione per potere rimettere in servizio la linea in tempi brevi. Solo con l’aiuto di un elicottero è stato possibile raggiungere il luogo del guasto e cominciare a pianificare l’intervento di ripristino.
Successivamente è stato necessario aprire una pista in mezzo alla neve, che in alcuni punti raggiungeva i cinque metri di altezza, lunga circa 15 chilometri per consentire ai mezzi fuoristrada di raggiungere il punto di guasto ed avviare le operazioni di sostituzione del sostegno.
I materiali, le attrezzature ed i blocchi di ancoraggio sono stati trasferiti sul punto di guasto sempre con l’ausilio dell’elicottero essendo impossibile accedere, attraverso l’unica pista esistente, con mezzi pesanti.
Il montaggio della torre è stato eseguito dal personale dei due GOL di Palermo e Catania, mentre la pianificazione dell’intervento e la
progettazione della torre è stata curata integralmente dai Tecnici del GOL Catania, che hanno lavorato in condizioni proibitive per
accelerare quanto più possibile la rimessa in servizio della linea, cosa che è avvenuta lo scorso 23 marzo.
I Tecnici dell’Unità Linee stanno ora predisponendo il progetto di variante per la definitiva risoluzione del problema, progetto che prevede oltre alla sostituzione del sostegno tranciato, anche la sostituzione dei sostegni adiacenti che hanno subito alcuni danni.
Nella stessa tratta di linea è prevista anche l’installazione sui conduttori dei dispositivi antirotazionali; tale tratta infatti negli anni passati è stata anche oggetto di scatti dovuti al forte abbassamento dei conduttori per la creazione di manicotti di ghiaccio.
On 22 February 2012, a failure occurred on the 150kV Bronte-Ucria transmission line. Our colleagues of the Palermo AOT had the power line back in service after installation of a temporary tower. The failure was caused by violent weather conditions, particularly for Sicily. Intense snowfall accompanied by winds of more than a 100 miles an hour, literally cut in two a power line at the pylons of the Nebrodi Mountains. This incident occurred at an altitude of 1.600 meters.
The weather conditions at that altitude, lasted for several weeks, preventing any quick line repair operation. Only the help of a helicopter made it possible to reach the fault location and start planning the remedial action.
Subsequently it became necessary to open a 15 km long track in the snow to allow for off-road vehicles to reach the fault location, in some places the snow was five meters in height. This arduous effort helped the engineers and line crew to reach the failure point and initiate the tower replacement operations.
The materials, equipment, and the anchor blocks were transported by helicopter since heavy vehicles could not travel to such a high altitude location.
The temporary tower erection was carried out by two Palermo and Catania GOL, whilst the planning and tower design was handled by the Technical GOL of Catania. The teams worked in difficult conditions and were able to rapidly resume the power supply by March 23, 2012.
The Technical Unit Guidelines are now preparing the draft variation to the final resolution of the problem. Transmission towers adjacent to the damaged one also require replacement.
In the same line section it has also been planned to install the anti-rotation device driver, this line section in fact, in past years has also been subject to shots because of the weight of ice sleeves formed on the conductors.
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